
Lyu Qiaosheng - skoookk

- is an creative pratitioner working with multimedia art, including digital image, sound, video and interactive media.
- is also a DIY enthusiast working with knitting/crocheting, ceramics, diy synthesizer, and nail art.
- is also keen to learn and play instruments, including bass, guitar, piano, trumpet, and synthesizers (find me playing bass on 小红书@SKOOOKK).

Currently a PhD student researching on sonic art and knit sensors.

Contact  &  Social Media

Email: qiaoshenglyu@126.com


Educational Background

BA Design - 2018-2021 - Goldsmiths, University of London
graduated with First class

MA Digital Media: Production - 2022-2023 - UCL
graduated with Distinction

PhD in Creative Media - 2024 - City, University of Hong Kong

this is skoookk